Who Is Sound Art? / Sound Art in Berlin
September is the Month of Contemporary Music in Berlin, and together with Field Notes, initiative for new music in Berlin, we invite to a meetup and overview on sound art in Berlin. We invite musicians interested in sound art to get to know sound artists, to network, learn more about sound art as a path and possibility for professional development, and to form new cooperations and projects. This evening is a meetup of sound artists, and also invites musicians interested in sound art, to learn more and network.
Berlin is internationally known as the capital of contemporary music. For decades, the city has been developing a lively and diverse field of innovative artistic practice with a great independent scene. On closer inspection, the scene can be classified in individual sub-scenes. For example, music theater or Echtzeitmusik are embedded in a larger network with their own anchor positions, and - despite permeable border regions - are well defined. By contrast, sound art, which is no less active or diverse in Berlin, has no comparable network structures. The individual actors work largely independently of each other and have so far classified their projects into the musical offerings of the independent scene and established houses, as well as some exhibition halls.
*** Who is sound art? *** The sound art genre is conceptually and phenomenologically difficult to classify. Determinations regarding content always seem to overtake themselves; notably, its fluid dynamics seem to be determinative. This is why we will replace the question »What is sound art?«, with the question »Who is sound art?«. From the sum of all participants of the open forum, we hope to get an understanding of the connections between the various forms of sound art in Berlin.
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Sabine Sanio
Sabine Sanio is head of the department „Theorie und Geschichte auditiver Kultur“ (theory and history of auditive culture) at the Master's program Sound Studies, Universität der Künste Berlin; studied german literature and philosophy; numerous articles about actual aesthetics, media aesthetics and media history, Sonic Arts, New and Experimental Music and about the relationship between the arts.
The conversation will be followed by the vernissage of sonomemo, exhibition and performance on acoustic remembering.
Free entry, no registration.
Venue: Errant Sound.