Q&A •• Artist Management
This Q&A is for musicians who are struggling with a way to move forward and believe that management is their only option.
This Q&A is for musicians who are struggling with a way to move forward and believe that management is their only option.
Spring is just around the corner and you are thinking about performing your music in public spaces? You are new in Berlin and want to start with street music? What are the current rules?
Der Abgabetermin 01. März 2022 für die Förderprogramme Stipendien und Residenzen des MUSICBOARD rückt immer näher.
Von der Beantragung der Steuernummer bis hin zur professionellen Buchhaltung erfahrt Ihr in dieser eins zu eins Beratung, wie ihr stressfrei durch den Steuer-Dschungel gelangt und eure Buchhaltung
Von der Beantragung der Steuernummer bis hin zur professionellen Buchhaltung erfahrt Ihr in dieser eins zu eins Beratung, wie ihr stressfrei durch den Steuer-Dschungel gelangt und eure Buchha
KSK expert Andreas Bayer is answering your questions in a one to one meeting. He is explaining everything concerning the KSK and gives you the important details about the application.
Are you lost in the German tax system?
The GEMA is still a mystery? You want to join the GEMA, but do not really know how it works and if it even makes sense for me?
Are you lost in the tax jungle of Germany? We offer a one to one expert consultation with Stephanie Stresow from "in stereo". http://bit.ly/1xKwhJf