Monday 16th of February: Music Pool Tour to Funkhaus Nalepastraße

Composer Antony Hequet has his studios at Funkhaus Nalepastraße, the previous huge GDR radio studio complex, located close to Rummelsburger Bucht. Antony offers a free tour of Funkhaus for all interested to get to know the premises, to explore the large recording halls and to meet some producers using the many studios for their work.
The tour takes place on Monday, 16th February, starting at 7:30 pm, at Funkhaus, Nalepastr. 18 - 50 (Anfahrt). Instructions where exactly to meet on the premises are on our blog. The tour will take about 90 min, with drinks afterwards.
Antony would like to get more artists and producers interested in Funkhaus - as the space would offer so many possibilities that are currently not used to their full potential. So we are curious - and are taking the tour ourselves :).
Monday 16 February 2015, 7:30 pm
at Funkhaus, Nalepastr. 18 - 50