Community Abend #18 ////// Artist Meet-Up No.1 // Building a community! Doing - it - Together!

Community Abend #18 ////// Artist Meet-Up No.1 /// 7:30 on July 22, 2015 @ Humboldthain Club
The Artist meet up No. #1 //// Building a community! Doing - it - Together!
MPB’s Consulting team invites Musicians for the first time to a Community evening to introduce themselves their project / band / act / record label / studio to their peers in a 10 minute presentation! Although the whole community is welcome to attend and perhaps participate at our next Meet -up!
The invited musicians who have attended the orientation consulting, will give a brief introduction of their own project, business ideas, services whatever they want to talk about! They will have the possibility to play a track, show a video, a website. Whatever may help them to get across what they are doing.
Afterwards everyone will have a chance to chat with each other over a drink and perhaps find someone to collaborate with on a project, exchange ideas and contacts, offer services: build a community.
WE hope for a great exchange of talent and look forward to seeing the musicians of the city getting together, coming out of their own scenes and opening up perspectives for the future!
Presentations can be given in German or English