Concerts and tours under new conditions

Concert and party calendars are fully booked again after pandemic/lockdown breaks. At the same time, rental prices and travel costs have substantially increased in many cases, so that calculations for booking a tour or organizing a concert have changed. Also, planning is very unpredictable and shows are being cancelled at the last minute due to illness or not enough tickets sold. Many venues are overbooked with shows and it is hard to find a free spot, while agencies and promoters focus on lucrative acts in order to navigate the situation themselves.
With this Music Pool evening, we would like to invite you for an exchange of experiences with organizers of tours and concerts, as well as musicians. What can be strategies to deal with the current situation? How can newcomer acts still get their foot into the doors these days? Examining the situation from the perspective of booking agents, promoters and venues who work together with musicians, we would also like to create an understanding for the different perspectivesn and also see if there are ways to collectively create better conditions together.
We look forward to a conversation with:
Christian Kirmes Kühr, booking agent at Powerline Agency, in Leipzig
Michelle White, booking agent at Potnia Theron, Berlin // Having spent most of her life in the classical music world followed by professions in finance, Michelle White founded Potnia Theron in 2015 in Berlin, wanting to combine her backgrounds and experiences in both fields to create a platform to support artists of unique voices in the global experimental & electronic music sphere to stay closely connected to her first love and biggest passion, music.
Ezio Sabottigh, concert organizer/promoter, Wolf City // Ezio Sabottigh was born in Northeast Italy in 1980 and has been living in Berlin since 2008. He has been involved in underground music since teenage years, playing in bands, writing for fanzines and later setting up shows and releasing records. He co-founded Wolf City in 2014 and since then he’s been busy spreading the gospel of underground heavy metal in Berlin, organizing concerts on a monthly basis and four editions of the Wolf City Fest (previously known as Live Evil Berlin) in several locations across the city. He looks at trees and captures reptiles for a living, and rides a skateboard for pleasure.
DJ: MINQ (Soundcloud) // MINQ is a Sound Artist, Sound Designer, DJ, Radio Presenter, Yoga and Mindfulness Instructor and independent researcher living in Berlin. Their current work, Sonic Utopias | Research Lab explores community-building and politics through embodied sound practice and creates space for and centers on the lived-experiences of Queer and Transgender Black, Brown, Indigenous and People of Color. MINQ's monthly radio show, Sonic Utopias on Refuge Worldwide is where they share musical inspirations as well as some of their original work. They are currently in the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts master’s program at Universität der Künste Berlin.
Free entry. Capacity: 50 people, register here to reserve a seat. Please be fair and let us know if you can't come, so that someone else can take the spot.