Laws & Licenses

Tuesday, 19.06 Music Pool Berlin Artist Meetup #4

  • Posted on: 14 July 2016
  • By: Eileen Möller
Our fourth Artist Meetup offers a platform for musicians to learn about others’ music projects, and meet each other to find out about possibilities for...

Thu, 26.05. Music Pool Berlin Community Evening x Music Tech Fest: Music ideas, performance, and music technologies

  • Posted on: 25 May 2016
  • By: Eileen Möller
How can music technologies influence your work as an artist, and how can you influence technologies to develop your style of music and your musical performance...

Wed, 13.03 Music Pool Berlin Artist Meetup #3

  • Posted on: 4 April 2016
  • By: Eileen Möller
Our third Artist Meetup offers a platform for musicians to learn about others’ music projects, and meet each other to find out about possibilities for...

Link list education

  • Popschule Berlin - Educational institut for musicians of popmusic and popbusiness 
  • hdpk- University for bachelor and master education in the media and music industry. (B.A. media management, B.A. Mediadesign, B.A.Music production, B.A. Audio design, M.A. Media psychologie, M.A. amusement communication)
  • Jam School- musicschool of Noisy Musicworld 
  • Noisy Academy- proffessional music educatuon in e.g.  Mixing and mastering Workshops, Ableton, Traktor and many more.) 
  • BIMM Berlin- British university for bachelor education in the music and media industry( B.A. Music Business, B.A. Drums, B.A. Guitar, B.A. Musicproduction, B.A. Songwriting
  • Berlin School of Sound - Mentoring and short hands-on courses on sound art and experimental music, as well as participation in exhibition/performance series and festivals.

Musik in Film und Werbung •• Wann darf ich die Musik nutzen?


This Workshop will be held in German. 

Dieser Workshop vermittelt Grundkenntnisse des Musikrechts und Kenntnisse der Rechteinhaber und erforderlichen Rechte im Hinblick auf Nutzung, Recherche, LIzenzierung und Verhandlung von Musikrechten für Film- und Werbeproduktionen.

Warschauer Str. 70 A, 10243 Berlin

Workshop - Der Musikverlag als Karrierestart für Songwriter


This workshop will be held in German. 

Besucher dieses Workshops lernen die einzelnen Arbeitsfelder und Aufgaben eines Musikverlages kennen. Daraus ergeben sich die Möglichkeiten eines Songwriters bei Vertragsunterzeichnung.

warschauer Str. 70 A, 10243 Berlin

Music Pool Berlin and BLN.FM start with "Gefährliches Halbwissen" (dangerous superficial knowledge)- the guide for music, media and law questions

  • Posted on: 15 January 2015
  • By: Eileen Möller
Berlin, January 13th, 2015, Music Pool Berlin, the central consulting place for musicians in Berlin and BLN.FM start the first radio programm, "Gefährliches...
