ACUD MACHT NUE presents "Amplify Berlin" Residency Program

Acud Macht Neu presents "Amplify Berlin", a residency program that promotes new projects of emerging musicians from Berlin. The program will start in September 2018, applications can be submitted between 17 April and 17 May.
In September 2018, Amplify Berlin, a residency program at the Kunsthaus ACUD, will open. The project is organized by Acud Macht Neu with the support of EFRE (European Regional Development Fund) and Musicboard Berlin.
Each year, 20 young musicians from Berlin will have the opportunity to further develop their artistic and performative skills under the guidance of established mentors and expand their network in Berlin and on an international level.
Together with the mentors, they will work on a new live project for a month in a specially designed studio in the ACUD spaces, and present the results on both Berlin Community Radio and on the ACUD Club stage.
Confirmed mentors for the first semester are: avant-techno-producer Laurel Halo, pop-surrealist Lurcrecia Dalt, composer and sound-engineer Caterina Barbieri and experimentalist Robert Lippok.
Interested musicians can apply for the first semester (September 2018 to February 2019) via from April 17th to May 17th.
The collective Acud Macht Neu occupies three rooms in the Kunsthaus ACUD with a multidisciplinary program. The aim of the music program is to depict the widest possible variety of styles and formats from Berlin and beyond. Equally important is the support of up-and-coming artists. In addition to Amplify Berlin, Acud Macht Neu curates the workshop / club series No Shade, which aims to give female and non-binary DJs the chance to rehearse and perform their music.
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