Meet our new Coach Linda - "For me, the important thing is to keep at it and to keep "getting up" and moving on."

welcome with us the new member of the Music Pool Expert:in team, the Berlin songwriter and singer Linda Stark! In this short interview she introduces herself and tells you what to expect in her new workshops "Berufswunsch Songwriter:in" and "GEMA von A-Z".
Please introduce yourself to the Music Pool community
I'm Linda, I write songs for other artists (Pop, J/K-Pop, EDM, Schlager), I'm interested in tables, numbers & other nerdery and I'm also on stage with my artist project LiLA. With my songwriter* management PAPER PUG, founded in 2021, I mainly support FLINTA* on their way into the industry.
Who should book your workshop? Who is the workshop suitable for...?
My workshops are most suitable for industry newbies or advanced students with unanswered questions. I love explaining terms or breaking down how things work in an industry standard way.
A good example on the topic of GEMA from practice?
I deal with the topic of GEMA a lot because it is ultimately responsible for how and why I and the people around me earn our living. For example, many artists don't know that GEMA pays out more to the creators of a concert without admission than is paid out to the promoters, making it totally worthwhile to report the concert and pay for the setlist.
Tell us about your biggest fail in the music industry and how / why you "got back up".
For me, working as a creative in this industry is actually a colorful string of "fails": your song doesn't get taken, you don't get booked, you get offered bad terms and so on. For me, the important thing is to keep at it and keep "getting up" and keep going. Not to take it personally and not to lose faith in yourself.
Do you have a music video, website, Spotify, song,... that you would like to share with our community?
Photo: (C) Nadine Budja