Barbara Berndorff

Lawyer •• Main areas of activity•• Copyright and publishing law, music law, design law, film law, media business law, online law, multimedia law ••LECTURES•• From 1997-2014 lecturer for "Law in Design" at the University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, Department of Design and Communication Design Seminar in design law summer 2013 at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art Halle/Saale Lectures on design law at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, Department of Graphic Design/Visual Communication Prof. Holger Felten, Prof. Friederike Girst 2007, 2008 Regular lectures and participation in roundtable discussions in the field of music and copyright law, among others: Reeperbahnfestival 2016, University of Applied Sciences Lüneburg, Music and Machine Congress for Electronic Music, EBAM Business Academy for Media, Event & Culture, SAE School Of Audio Engineering Berlin ••PUBLICATIONS•• Co-author of the book Designrecht - die Antworten (PPV Medien, Bergkirchen, 1st edition 2006) Co-author of the book Musikrecht - die Antworten (PPV Medien, Bergkirchen, 7th edition 2013) Regular articles in the magazine Keys ••MUSIC•• Bass player (among others Cuban Rebel Girls, Tav Falco's Panther Burns) ••Photo: Mathias Bothor