Artist Meetup #13

The Music Pool Berlin Artists Meet Up offers a platform for musicians to share their music projects with a wider musician community, ask for feedback, ideas or support, and get to know each other. You can show a new video, play a new track or song, or perform live (if you have an easy tech setup, like singing, rapping with beats, acoustic instruments ..). You can also mention if you are e.g. looking for a drummer, a producer etc.
Would you like to present something at the Artist Meet Up? We have approx. 8 slots á 10 minutes including feedback and discussion with the audience.
Please write an email to andrea (at) musicpoolberlin (dot) net latest by May 22nd 2019, including a link to your music and some brief info on what and why you'd like to present. The event is open to all artists regardless of genre.
At the end of the presentations, there will be time to meet and talk to each other over a drink and some music. It definitely makes sense to come by and meet other artists if you are not presenting.
DJ before and after the presentations: Tobias Lichtmann
Entry is free, just come by.