The Music Pool Berlin Artists Meet Up offers a platform for musicians to share their music projects with a wider musician community, ask for feedback, ideas or...
This Music Pool Community evening organized in collaboration with SAE institute looks into music composition, production, and sound design for games. In the...
“It’s beginning to look a lot like christmas.” Here we go again, Music Pool Berlin presents the Instagram #MPBAdventcalender. Every day you can win special...
Press photos are an essential tool for every artist. When done right they embody the artist’s key narrative/s and media strategy. Arguably, because of the high...
This Artist Talk will be a conversation with between Gowri Jayakumar / Pulpy Shilpy from Pune/India, who currently participates in a Border Movement residency...
In this next interview we talked with Florian Boss about his upcoming Workshop 'How to make money with GEMA as a touring musician' next Monday the 30th of...
In this interview we talked with Lukasz Polowczyk about his upcoming workshop 'THE ART OF MUSIC PR AND VISUAL DEVELOPMENT'. This four part workshop is...
In unserem nächsten Meet the Coach Interview redeten wir mit Diana Perova. Diana Perova alias Diana May wurde in Russland geboren und kam im Alter von 10...
Music Pool Berlin Ambassadors is our series of brief and informal chats with Berlin based musicians that are part of our extended creative community. We’ve...
For the second time this autumn we are offering our four-part course on VISUAL DEVELOPMENT and MUSIC PR. In contrast to our other workshops, you have to apply...