Our fourth Artist Meetup offers a platform for musicians to learn about others’ music projects, and meet each other to find out about possibilities for...
The Seminar: Ever wanted to start a reward-based crowdfunding campaign in order to fund your recordings, tour, release etc. but were not sure how? Crowdfunding...
This Music Pool evening examines today’s legal and technological frameworks of music culture and discusses in which way these frameworks encourage musical,...
Warum werden manche Bands im Radio gespielt und andere nicht? Nach welchen Kriterien wählen MusikredakteurInnen von online und Print Medien aus über welche...
This course will include two basic parts. First you will receive an informational breakdown on what a voiceover is, where they are used, how the business works...
How can music technologies influence your work as an artist, and how can you influence technologies to develop your style of music and your musical performance...
The German tax system is pretty difficult even for a German. After many talks about the topic we finally will offer you another one of this expert consulting...
This Music Pool Berlin community evening @ rpTEN is about the potential of the blockchain technology for the music business. In general, the Music Pool Berlin...