SOLD OUT! DIY Booking - all you need to know to book your first tour
Dienstag, 28 Mai, 2024 - 14:00
House of Music, Revaler Str. 99, RAW Gelände
22 €

Gigs are fun and can be an essential building block for a successful music career. In addition, concerts still represent a great financial opportunity - if you know how to plan them smartly and successfully. Unfortunately, however, the topic of "booking" is a headache for many artists. This workshop aims to change that: Because with the right plan and a few good tools, booking can also be fun! But how do I find the right venues and concerts for me? How do I formulate a booking email? And once the date is set - what now? Together, we will create a solid battle plan that will prepare you for the upcoming concert season ;) I'll also share lots of general tips and tricks that I've learned over the years.
- Research → How do I find the right concerts / venues for me?
- How do I create a sustainable list with all the important information about potential locations?
- Preparation is everything → How do I create a good "EPK"?
- How do I create a booking email? (Blank email draft in the workshop as an example)
- It gets concrete: The first contact + follow-up strategies
- Clarify parameters (negotiate fee; ask for all relevant information)
- As soon as the gig is confirmed: Create a booking / touring checklist (my checklist as a freebie for all participants)
- General tips & tools