Mon, 29.06. + Tue, 30.06. How to get the most out of Spotify *digital*

The ever popular streaming platform has become a bit of a must for digital releases.
But how do you really get the most of it? Especially if you are a DIY Indie Artist?
In this workshop you learn to navigate your way around Spotify with ease.
What is more, you learn to deep dive into Spotify For Artists. Before you think twice you’ll
use Data Analytics to you most advantage!
Overview over Spotify
How do my songs get into Spotify?
How do optimise your Bio and Profil?
Distribution platforms vs. traditional distribution
Earning money with Spotify
Timeframe to keep in mind when pitching new music to Spotify
Playlist Marketing 101
Spotify For Artists
Data Analytics
Part 1 - 29.06.2020 - 16h - 18h
Part 2 - 30.06.2020 - 16h - 18h
Coach: Sara-Lena Probst (Blackbirdpunk)