Fri. 28.08. 3pm. An International Look at Music Scenes in the Current Moment

Each year, the Pop-Kultur festival invites in collaboration with the Goethe-Institute an international group of musicians to come to Berlin for an exchange programme, and to also get to know the local music scenes. This year, the group is convening online, meeting over a longer period of time, with the plan of meeting in Berlin, foreseeably in the summer of 2021.
One objective of this get-together is to introduce the international group of musicians to Berlin's different music communities for potential collaborations over the next several months.
During the panel conversation, participants will explore and discuss how independent music scenes in different countries around the world are faring during the pandemic – where live music has largely come to a pause. If touring is on hold indefinitely, and performing is oftentimes the largest source of income for professional musicians, how is this situation playing out now and into the future? What structural issues are becoming apparent? How do musicians, collectives and communities view and address them? How is this changing how musicians work, how collaborations are organised, and how music is distributed and enjoyed? Which changes should be permanent and which ones should only be temporary? What can we learn from each other, and how can we support one another – internationally, too?
More here.
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