Band Therapy - creative strategies for your music career

Samstag, 31 Juli, 2021 - 14:00 bis 18:00
House of Music, Revaler Str. 99, RAW Gelände
20 €

What many musicians or music creators have in common is the desire to be successful with their music. But how do you define success? What goals do you have to achieve in order to be successful? For some this means playing as much live as possible, for others success is measured by good reviews, many plays or streams, others want to cover their living expenses with the help of music. Likewise, in order to be successful, you need to have an awareness of what is special and authentic about you or your project.
This workshop will help you to define yourself/your project more clearly, to work out unique selling propositions and based on that to set success parameters and apply methods to achieve them.
The workshop will be a mixture of lecture and individual case studies - that means that you will also work on your concrete projects in individual discussions and small group work.


Target group:
independent musicians and artist managers

Learning outcomes:
how to keep your music career alive and thrive in pandemic times 


  • get to the core of what is unique and authentic about your project
  • set long and short term goals for your project 
  • brainstorm and discuss creative strategies for your music career during the pandemic 


pic credits: photograph by Marcos Lopez and art design by Liber Artis
