Emerging artist career planning
Getting organised in your musical career can feel too hard, scary, or too complicated – but it’s actually one of the most important things an artist can do.
Getting organised in your musical career can feel too hard, scary, or too complicated – but it’s actually one of the most important things an artist can do.
Verwirrung in der Musikindustrie? Wir kennen das sehr gut – sich als Newcomer *in im Dschungel der Branche zurechtzufinden ist harte Arbeit.
Um in der Kreativbranche (nachhaltig) erfolgreich zu sein, muss man nicht nur kreativ und einzigartig sein, man muss auch aus der Masse herausstechen und durch ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal auf
NOTE: This workshop will be in german language.
"Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland" ...
Our lecturer, David Swartz, describes himself as a queer music manager who has experienced the ambivalences of the music business towards LGBTQ people.
Increasingly artists are coordinating their own full vision, aesthetic, songwriting, productions, and outcomes, so what does a label provide that an artist cannot, A & R, which stands for
No one is an island. Especially in the music industry, a functioning network is the most important criterion for success.