#SOUNDITUP! : Deadline Extended (August 26th)
Surprise suprprise! We've decided to extend the deadline for our soundlogo competition, and give you all an extra week to submit your composition. Prizes for...
Photos: 16.08 COMMUNITY EVENING - Perspectives on contemporary music cultures in South East Asia - Music Pool Berlin x Pop Kultur
A few picuters from our latest Community Evening: born from a partnership between Pop Kultur Festival, Goethe-Institut Indonesien and Missy Magazine, we had...
'LABEL YOURSELF' - WIE EIGENE MUSIK VERÖFFENTLICHEN? Überblick - Wie schaut es gerade aus da draussen: Marktsituation & Konsumentenverhalten Label - Was...
Die. 28 Aug., Artist Meetup #11
Unser elfte Artist Meetup bietet KünstlerInnen und Musikschaffenden eine Plattform um andere Musikprojekte kennenzulernen, sowie sich über Möglichkeiten einer...
Thu, 16.08. Community Evening - Perspectives on contemporary music cultures in South East Asia - Music Pool Berlin x Pop - Kultur Festival
--> Free entry. No Pop-Kultur pass required <-- Music Pool Berlin Community Evening @ Pop-Kultur Venue: Soda Club, Knaackstraße 97, 10435 Berlin / 16...
Meet The Expert: Melissa's career (pt.3)
What makes a Music Pool Berlin expert... an expert? In the case of Melissa, is her over 20 years of experience in booking and events organization. Melissa is...
Meet The Expert: Melissa and the orientation consultation (pt.2)
Secon part of our "Meet The Expert" feature! We are getting to know better Melissa Perales , one of the consultants that you can find at our orientation...
Food For Thoughts: things we learnt at our Mental Health Community Evening with DBS Music (pt. 2)
June 2018 will be remembered in the history of Music Pool Berlin as our Community Evening for that month was settled in one of the best location we ever had...
Meet The Expert: introducing Melissa (pt. 1)
Let's meet who's behind Music Pool Berlin! In our new "Meet The Expert" feature, we want to indrouce you to the people who makes Music Pool Berlin possible...
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