Discover Berlin Playlist Wrapped 2024
Discover Berlin Wrapped: A Musical Journey Through the Music Pool Artist's Vibrant Soundscape As the year ends, Music Pool Berlin is excited to unveil our "...
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Do you have developed a musical project, and are ready to release it, but need financial support to release it?
1. Recherche: Wie finde ich die passenden Festivals / Showcase Festivals für mich
2. Vorbereitung:
Wir starten unsere Reihe an Community Abenden in 2025 mit einem Artist Meetup!
Dieser zweiteilige Workshop führt Sie durch die verschiedenen Elemente, die die Musikindustrie ausmachen; Labels, Verlage, Live-Agenten.
The workshop is designed for singers/songwriters/recording artists and combines theoretical as well as practical elements.